Orchard House



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Orchard House is a service for six people in a quiet residential are of Seaham, County Durham. The staff team pride themselves on maintaining a lovely warm atmosphere which our individuals call ‘home’ and where families and friends are always made to feel welcome.

Everyone living here has autism, severe learning disabilities and displays behaviour that can be challenging. They all require intensive 24-hour support from very experienced and highly trained staff.

We have a keen focus on physical well-being and fitness and healthy living. People enjoy getting out and about in the local community and we also take advantage of the many wonderful walks in the area. We have our own transport which we use to go out for days away and holidays. One of the people who lives here has their own allotment which they tend with staff support.

Many individuals take part in local groups and activities as well as enjoying the wide range of social, leisure and recreational activities offered at The Croft Centre.

Everyone is encouraged to learn new skills in and around the building to increase their independence and is supported to make choices and decisions about their home and lives.

The home is registered with the Care Quality Commission and consistently receives outstanding reports.

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An outstanding organisation
Outstanding procedures for safeguarding
You couldn't wish for better staff
Charity Commission Care Quality Commission Ofsted Positive About Disabled People Investors In People     Mindful Employer