Our Approach

ESPA and its staff are dedicated to ensuring that all our services are tailored to the individual needs of the people that we support.

We address the complexities of each person’s life by employing a holistic, individualised approach while still engaging with the core issues of autism.

The individual’s that we support and their experience of social and communication difficulties make it essential that our focus is upon the development of trusting relationships in addition to using autism specific approaches. We regard both as crucial to assist with the development of mutual respect and understanding. These are essential for learning, personal development and emotional well-being.

Our services offer flexible, responsive and person-centered approaches provided by staff who have extensive training and skills in supporting individuals with autism.

From a detailed assessment we are able to gain an understanding of the strengths, abilities, needs and future goals of each individual. We devise an individualised plan to effectively support and develop the individual to improve their life skills and quality of life. Close partnership with the person, parents and other key stakeholders enables us to better understand the person and their aspirations and to assist them towards their ambitions though person centered processes.

Specialist Autism Specific Interventions

Participation as well as achievement is highly valued and celebrated. Our staff are highly trained in tailoring life-long learning to suit individual needs. Understanding the unique impact of autism on each individual allows staff to engage with the person and employ a wide range of approaches and strategies to manage anxiety, promote personal strengths and…

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Positive Behaviour Support

PBS prioritises quality of life and person centeredness alongside behaviour analysis. It  has a human rights base.  ESPA continues to increase staff awareness through training and professional links such as the PBS North East and Cumbria community of practice.  Our Person Centred Care and Support Plans provide clear direction on how to proactively create opportunities…

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We believe that specialist training is vital to equip staff to understand autism and deliver autism specific interventions.  Our training in autism is a rolling programme that reflects the latest research but also responds to the changing needs of the individuals that we support. Training for staff includes: Sensory Training TEACCH Training Autism Awareness Communication and…

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Keeping People Safe

We have an excellent reputation for keeping people safe and have been commended by OFSTED and the CQC in their reports and we consistently receive positive feedback from Local Authorities for our standards and practices. We invest heavily in staff training and keep up-to-date with best practice. Starting at their induction all staff receive regular Safeguarding…

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ESPA student and ESPA staff member painting the Andy Warhol version of Marilyn Monroe. [CNS]

An outstanding organisation
Outstanding procedures for safeguarding
You couldn't wish for better staff
Charity Commission Care Quality Commission Ofsted Positive About Disabled People Investors In People     Mindful Employer