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Lawreth is a specialised service designed specifically to accommodate two people, both of whom have autism, learning disabilities and obsessive-compulsive behaviours. Both men have shared the house for many years and complement each other’s distinct personalities and strengths. One person also has a hearing impairment and is wheelchair dependent. They are supported by a highly trained and experienced team of staff, many of whom have worked together since the service began in May 2002.

Lawreth is an adapted bungalow in Seaham, County Durham. The men are supported to become increasingly independent in the running of their home and enjoy a full and structured life within the community. They can also enjoy the wide range of activities available through The Croft Centre.

Each person has a person-centered care and support plan providing comprehensive information about their likes and dislikes, hobbies, interests, activities, social outings and desired outcomes. The plan also incorporates all aspects of their health and well-being, a detailed communication profile and areas of difficulties that require guidelines and risk assessments to maintain and respect the individual’s rights, choices and independence whilst keeping them safe.

The home is registered with the Care Quality Commission and consistently received outstanding reports.

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An outstanding organisation
Outstanding procedures for safeguarding
You couldn't wish for better staff
Charity Commission Care Quality Commission Ofsted Positive About Disabled People Investors In People     Mindful Employer