Specialist Autism Specific Interventions
We adopt persistent, calm, structured and sensitive interventions. These are in the context of positive expectations for progress and development.
Participation as well as achievement is highly valued and celebrated. Our staff are highly trained in tailoring life-long learning to suit individual needs.
Understanding the unique impact of autism on each individual allows staff to engage with the person and employ a wide range of approaches and strategies to manage anxiety, promote personal strengths and build self esteem.
Specific approaches used throughout ESPA services include:
- Visual Approaches to support understanding
- Person-Centered Planning
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Structured teaching based upon the principals of TEACCH.
- Sensory Integration
- Training in Systematic Instruction
- Intensive Interaction
- Augmented Communication (e.g. Picture Exchange Communication System, IT, Makaton, Communicate and Print).
- PDA Approaches