South Hill

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South Hill, on the outskirts of Sunderland city centre, provides specialised education for autistic learners with moderate to profound learning disabilities. The curriculum is tailored to individual aspirations, focusing on Preparation for Adulthood, Independence, Fitness, and Well-being. Teaching and learning is delivered through a mix of accredited and non-accredited courses with embedded Maths and English. Community-based learning is central, offering real-life skill development, while opportunities for work experience, social enterprise and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award further enrich student experiences.


A key strength of South Hill is its emphasis on sensory programmes, addressing sensory challenges that can be a barrier to learning. South Hill has it’s own state-of-the-art sensory room that provides a calming, stimulating environment that can be tailored to individual needs. Stable tutorial groups minimise transitions and helps to foster meaningful relationships with peers and teaching staff. The curriculum aims to empower students with the skills and confidence for independence and lifelong learning.

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